Smart Cities: The Playground For The Technocratic Elite
And The Techno-Slave Infrastructure That Will 'Contain' Us
The smart growth concept was introduced in the early 1990s as a marketing strategy to make Agenda 21 more appealing to Americans. Smart growth made use of Americans’ natural desire to be “smart” and nullified their suspicions about being part of an “agenda”. After all, who wants to be “dumb”?
This clever marketing tactic is just one of many used by the UN to advance their agenda while at the same time covering their tracks.
When the idea of Smart Growth was born, it spawned a plethora of derivatives—such as Smart City, smart phone, smart network, smart home, smart grid, smart appliances—all implying that technology will help you take control.
Silicon Valley and the like claim to be urban planners, but that is not the case. Real urban planners prioritize building functional cities for people, whereas Smart City planners build places designed to control people.
Technocracy—a way of running society that would transfer the power to decide economic, environmental and social issues from governments elected by the people to a global elite—is a core goal of Sustainable Development. Technocracy is often described as “master planning” or “global social engineering,” while Sustainable Development is often called “Planetary Management.”
When David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission in 1973 to create a “New International Economic Order”, it was all about grabbing resources and putting Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy) in place as the means of doing so.
Cities have no natural resources of their own, like minerals and timber. They are only given value by the rural areas that supply them with such. So, to take over the world and make it a Technocracy, the technocrats came up with a plan: move rural people into cities and keep them there.
The federal government owns 650 million acres of land, representing 28% of our total land mass. Most federal land is in the western states—which are rich with natural resources. Although apologists for these lands say they are owned by the people, little of this property is publicly accessible.
In China on the other hand, the technocratic government’s land-grab policies are ruthlessly direct. For example, in 2014, the government unveiled a plan that would relocate 250 million farmers within 13 years—a move that would take them from their land and into super-cities that they’ve built, but are now, instead, just ghost cities. Farmland is being appropriated to create giant factory farms, automated by agricultural robots and automated tractors. Facing eviction, farmers are being given the option of leaving or taking a bullet.
Once relocated into cities of the government’s choosing, these farmers will have no choice but to live under constant surveillance. Their movements will be tracked, and social credit scores will determine their access to privileges. Rather than being free, they will be trapped.
Smart Cities – The Common Threads:
There are a lot of similarities among smart cities around the world.
Surveillance: This consists of monitoring people through biometric facial scanning, geographic tracking, financial data, social media, among other things. This can be exploited to control a populace.
Transportation: Force people out of private vehicles into shared public transportation such as scooters, bicycles, buses, light rail, etc. With limited transportation options, people are forced to stay in the city – dissuading them from having anything to do with rural life.
Data: The ‘Internet of Everything’ (IoE) is used simply for the collection of data in relation to human behavior.
Control is the name of the game in Smart City development. But Social Engineers aren’t accountable to you—unlike your elected representatives. They decide what you want for yourself and how you should live your life—with friends, family or alone.
All of this fits the description provided by ‘The Technocrat’ magazine in 1939:
Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population.
The original Technocrats believed people were nothing more than resources and animals on the same level as natural resources like cattle. They still believe in this, because they think that society should be rebuilt with “science” instead of by choice, so that everyone is forced into a predefined position just like cattle. In other words, you’ll have no control over your own life.
Smart Cities As Decentralized Regions:
In the US, Smart City policies are spreading faster than wildfire.
The National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) is a non-governmental organization with over 500 regional councils in all 50 states. These councils serve areas ranging from less than 50,000 to more than 19 million.
These regional entities, known as Councils of Governments (COGs) or Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), impose Sustainable Development policies on communities, cities and counties—bypassing the elected officials.
NARC’s literature makes it very clear what their organization is all about. They support:
Federal consultation of local governments in formulating environment, energy and land use policies
community resilience planning to mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events
expand[ing] Federal incentives to reduce energy dependence and promote renewable energy use
multi-jurisdictional solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
empowering regions to utilize the opportunities created by technology and data, included automated and connected vehicles
public and private investments that provide regions with the tools they need to create economically vibrant and sustainable communities.
In 2019, Arizona launched the Smart Region Initiative (SRI), a new regionalization plan that will create implementation policies for smart technology throughout a given region of cities and counties. If it’s successful, it will be rolled out nationwide for the rapid installation of smart technology—including 5G towers, smart streetlights with cameras, sensors, and listening devices, smart street technology for autonomous vehicles, and much more.
We are at a crucial turning point in human history. We are either going to become a techno slave society, or we fight to remain free.
Sincerely yours,
"Howl at the moon."
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